Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tidbits from the last three weeks

1. Criminal procedure is awesome.
2. Professional Responsibility and Ethics is not.
2a. Don't sleep with your client after they're your client and don't purposely lie to the court. Bribes are also bad. The end.
3. The Skins and Raiders are...well, the Skins and Raiders. Way to start out 1-2 when you should be 3-0, guys.
4. I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon 10k in 32 days. Whoopsie.
5. Celine Dion is awesome studying music.
5a. ...Not that I would know.
6. School on the whole still sucks.
7. I'm the EJF President this year - who in their right mind decided to give ME responsibility?!
8. Vinnie is living only about 45 minutes away, which is pretty cool even though I'd never tell him that to his face.
9. My best friend from high school is getting married in ten days and I suddenly feel OLD.
10. LS and I are going to Dublin for Thanksgiving. Why not?!

The End for now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A major case of the 2Litis

Things I'm doing instead of the first-day reading assignments for tomorrow:

1. Burning mini pizzas (whoops, I guess 450 for ten minutes isn't the same as 325 for twenty minutes)
2. Making a playlist of my favorite Enya collections
3. Attempting to play said Enya collections on the piano
4. Realizing my nails are too long to play piano. Must give myself manicure instead
5. Gazing lovingly at my new kate spade wallet
6. Shopping for houseplants online
7. Realizing I kill plants by looking at them...
8. ...which reminds me that I do the same thing to fish, but I'd still like a pet, so researching houseplants becomes researching betas
9. Contemplate sending this information to LS, who killed a beta and a frog within ten hours of buying them
10. You know, it's been a long time since I looked at my passport. I'd better check to make sure all the stamps are still there.
11. Go on facebook and re-friend all the people I didn't mean to de-friend when I went on my "I-hate-facebook-and-I-don't-know-half-these-people-anyway" de-friending rampage
12. Go on facebook and stalk my mom, my sister, my sister's boyfriend, my sister's boyfriend's dad's girlfriend, realize I'm creepy and decide to write a blog instead
13. Hmm. I like the Cranberries. Remember when the Cranberries were popular? I'm going to go download all the albums I used to have and lost.
14. This rug in the living room desperately needs to be vacuumed. Since ours doesn't work, I will need to pick up each bit of dirt, hair, etc. by hand. It's a rough job, but somebody's gotta do it, and somebody's gotta do it NOW!

Sigh. This may be a long year.

On a side note, I met this man today. If you see him in Columbia Heights with his signs and two dogs, say hello, give him some money and listen to his story!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dream journal

I swear I'm not that anxious about going back to school, but in the past few weeks I've had at least four dreams that make me hyperventilate in my sleep. The common thread? It's the first day of school and I haven't read for class, nor do I know what class I'm in or how to find it. Things that have prevented me from reading and finding class:
1) Being attacked by wolves
2) Driving off a bridge
3) Being stuck in a blizzard and running through thigh-deep snow
4) A nefarious roommate that won't tell me where our locker and books are
5) Crashing a Segway in Washington Circle on my way to class
6) Being trapped in a parallel universe and being unable to find the portal (this was just last night). After finally finding portal, realizing that I'm wearing a skirt and apparently haven't shaved my legs in months, so I can't go to class until I find my razor, which is somewhere in my giant suitcase. I decide to wear pajama pants instead. They're pale blue with little fishies on them. I want to cry.

My subconscious must be a lot more anxious about school than I am.

In other news, I was running today and saw a tourist wearing a Hawaiian shirt, sporting a fake tan and an EPIC waist-length mullet. I was pretty jealous.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gettin' all serious 'n stuff

(Editorial submitted to the Duluth News-Tribune)

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” – Johann Wolfgang van Goethe

As a summer law clerk with the Duluth Public Defender’s Office, I have been asked countless times how I can, in good conscience, defend a guilty person. This question is troubling for two reasons.

First, our justice system in the United States is based on the core principle than an accused person is innocent until proven guilty. This is something that many people forget when reading about troubling cases and violent crimes. However, until an offense is proven through trial or confession, an accused person should not only be considered innocent under the law, but also treated as innocent by the media and public.

In addition, every person deserves a fair trial and equal protection of law under the U.S. Constitution. This is the basis of the freedom we have in the United States. The role of a public defender, then, is to ensure that each individual’s Constitutional rights are honored, regardless of his or her income and alleged crime.

The second reason that the question is troubling is the unspoken assumption that people who commit crimes are beyond redemption. Despite the social stigma that comes with the “criminal” label, a person who commits a crime is still a human being. He or she not only deserves a fair trial, but also deserves to be treated with the same compassion and dignity that a person with no criminal record would expect to receive.

Treating a person with a “lock ‘em up and throw away the key” mentality strips him (or her) of worth and humanity. Without those values, a person convicted of a crime has little personal hope that his situation will change. The way that judges, attorneys and the public treat him creates in him a self-fulfilling prophecy that he is destined for failure. His experience in prison, surrounded by other hardened “criminals” who have also lost hope for rehabilitation, increases the likelihood that he will commit another crime upon release.

In addition, a person who has been in prison may find it nearly impossible to get a job or safe housing. If he has no food and cannot receive public assistance due to his criminal record, theft becomes a highly tempting means of survival. In this way, poverty and a criminal record create an endless cycle of crime.

This is not a suggestion that we close prisons and take away consequences for crimes. On the contrary, there are a number of people who benefit greatly from the structured environment of prison and should be kept separate from the public. I do suggest, however, that we treat prisoners and offenders with compassion and employ clemency whenever possible. St. Louis County, for example, has groundbreaking “special courts” for people convicted of alcohol and drug offenses. These courts meld justice and mercy by using alternative sentencing programs to help people who are not an immediate danger to the public but still require accountability for their crimes.

It is possible for a person to give up his rights as a free citizen when he chooses to act in a way that brings legal consequences. It is not possible, however, for him to give up his humanity and his right to be treated with dignity and compassion.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My lovely time in D.C.

Laura chose that title. It's hot and not lovely. Laura doesn't make her bed. And her apartment is a disaster and it's not my fault. The end.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No, your Honor, I really am incompetent

Client, in holding, after spending an exorbitant amount of time discussing his case and why he's guilty and what his options are : "I want to plead guilty. I did everything the complaint says. I just want this to be over with."
Me: [goes through rights client is giving up and the process for pleading guilty - i.e., very difficult concepts like admitting guilt to the judge. Also spends an exorbitant amount of time arguing with the prosecutor to get a plea agreement pending on Client pleading guilty.]

- ten minutes later -

Judge: "Counsel, your client is prepared to plead guilty? You've spoken with him about this, he understands his rights, he understands the process and he is prepared to move forward?"
Me: "Yes, your honor."
Judge: "Client?"
Client: "I don't know what she's talking about. I didn't do nothing!"

I love my job.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Where have I been? Oh, just protecting the backbone of the U.S. justice system and government. No big.

Thoughts on life since starting my job at the Minnesota Public Defender's Office last month:

1. Being a lawyer is much, much, much better than being in law school.
2. Being in front of a judge and being called "counsel" causes me to giggle.
3. Even though I can be cool, calm and composed on the record, I still possess the innate ability to display my immaturity in ways unexpected as soon as the recording goes off.
4. Judges and court reporters don't have much of a sense of humor (see above).

This summer has been pretty cool. I've finally found my niche and I'm fairly certain that being a public defender is what I want to do when I graduate (though I reserve the right to change this opinion fourteen times before May 2012). I'm passionate about the purpose, my clients are...entertaining, and the work is fulfilling.

Things I still hate since starting this job:

1. Legal research.
2. Legal writing.
3. The cowlick on the back of my head that looks like a bald spot unless I comb it just so.

Things that will never change, no matter how many jobs I have:

1. I will never be an adult.
2 - infinity. See above.

Things I just realized that cause me great stress:
1. I still haven't filled out a FAFSA for next year.
2. I forgot to clean out my locker two months ago. Hm.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Civ Pro notes for the win!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

We've moved onto Contracts now

...and my notes might be as bad as property.  Enjoy.
1.  "Used to be struck down for lack of consideration, can be several interpretations depending on what the parties are thinking.  Today, IMPORTANT CHANGE:" [Zero notes following this]
2.  " ISSUE:  Whether this is a claim upon which relief can be stated.   HOLDING:   I dunno."
3.  "LSF: P filed lawsuit, D wants mot.to dismiss.  ISSUE: ? HOLDING: ?"
4.  "Other costs recovered: Difference in land value (what land??? Maybe you should read this case)"


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A note of encouragement

Dear students in the midst of finals,


Thursday, April 15, 2010

I stole this theme from L.

I just love going over notes when outlining and finding real gems that show my attention is clearly glued to the professor and I completely understand what's going on in class.  Some highlights from today's Property outlining:

1. "COASE: Doesn't matter who gets entitlement, economic theory works the same? WTF, Coase?"
2. "Tulk elements: 1) ? - 2) notice, or something? - 3) (get from supplement, Manns says impt but can't understand a damn word he says)"  
3. "ISSUE: Whether there is an actionable claim when D shot at ducks and scared them away from P's pon[d].     
HOLDING:  Kind of but not really."
4. "Schwab: neighbor wants a road / mean people say "no way, dude" / govt. agrees.  || Why bitch about roads? / there are other possible / transportation means.  || You could get a boat / anything is possible / (like Kevin Garnett)."  [Thanks, LR]
5. "What is lien? Do the rockaway and lien back, lien back." [LS] 
6. "Eyerman: bitter old dead lady case" (followed by no notes whatsoever)
7.   " Car registration – read this.  Maybe important.  And register your car.  Record it.  All that crap.  Not that you have a car here anyway.  But don't forget to read.  You didn't understand this."
8. "Sandborn: Why isn't this conscious parallelism? <-- WTF IS THIS"