Saturday, July 3, 2010

Where have I been? Oh, just protecting the backbone of the U.S. justice system and government. No big.

Thoughts on life since starting my job at the Minnesota Public Defender's Office last month:

1. Being a lawyer is much, much, much better than being in law school.
2. Being in front of a judge and being called "counsel" causes me to giggle.
3. Even though I can be cool, calm and composed on the record, I still possess the innate ability to display my immaturity in ways unexpected as soon as the recording goes off.
4. Judges and court reporters don't have much of a sense of humor (see above).

This summer has been pretty cool. I've finally found my niche and I'm fairly certain that being a public defender is what I want to do when I graduate (though I reserve the right to change this opinion fourteen times before May 2012). I'm passionate about the purpose, my clients are...entertaining, and the work is fulfilling.

Things I still hate since starting this job:

1. Legal research.
2. Legal writing.
3. The cowlick on the back of my head that looks like a bald spot unless I comb it just so.

Things that will never change, no matter how many jobs I have:

1. I will never be an adult.
2 - infinity. See above.

Things I just realized that cause me great stress:
1. I still haven't filled out a FAFSA for next year.
2. I forgot to clean out my locker two months ago. Hm.

1 comment:

  1. you can mark #2 on the stress list off. your fabulous roommate and stellar locker-buddy cleaned out the locker, removed the countless stickers you placed on it, and lugged your books home a few weeks ago. you're welcome. :)

    also, i'm so happy (but not surprised) to hear that you are a public defender- extraordinaire. miss you!
